In the winter, a scarf is one of those little things that can take your outfit from ordinary to extraordinary. But there’s a whole lot more to wearing a scarf than just putting it on and tying it as tight as possible. It can be an accessory, a way to cover up bad hair days, and even a cute way to show off your personality.
Learn how to wear a classic Bernie Tartan Wool Scarf like a pro with this guide! Here you will find the history behind the traditional Tartan print and how to tie different knots with your scarf. Plus, find out how you can rock this style no matter what season it is!
Tartan is a pattern of cloth woven with stripes alternating between two colors, most often red and white. Tartans are associated with Scotland, but they have been used all over the world. This form of fabric is typically associated with the upper class, as it required expertise in weaving to make tartan patterns.
The word “tartan” comes from old French Parente meaning “fine cloth.” The original intention of these patterns was to use them for lining garments like skirts and kilts, but they now appear on clothing for both genders.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, it may be time to take your scarves out of storage. But what you do with your scarf in the spring and summer can be completely different than what you would do in the winter.
With spring and summer comes a whole new set of rules for wearing scarves. For starters, the fabric you should be looking for when buying a scarf is cotton or linen. These fabrics are lightweight and breathable which will help keep you cool when the temperature rises. You should also roll your scarf in a variety of ways according to how you want to wear it.
So how do you wear a scarf?
A scarf can be worn in a number of ways. The way you tie it has a lot to do with the length of your scarf and your personal style. Tie your scarf in a knot to secure it in place. Wrap your scarf around your neck twice before tying the ends together. Wear your scarf as a type of shawl, by wrapping it around your shoulders and tying it in a knot or a bow at the nape of the neck. Wear it as a headscarf by wrapping it around your head and tying it at the back of your head. Wear your scarf as a belt by wrapping it around your waist and tying it securely in the front or the back.
That’s how to wear a Bernie tartan wool scarf!

Hi~Living Deals from "FootJoy"